化学助教(青年教师) 8-12K/月
福州-长乐区    本科及以上    2年以上    全职1人
青年教师 线下班课 A-LEVEL 英语
05-09 更新
五险 公积金 提供住宿 解决子女就学 晋升空间大
    1、我们提供有竞争力的薪资福利: 应届生:7-10万元 普通教师:10-20万元 骨干教师:20-40万元 多种福利(五险一金、带全薪寒暑假、各种节日贺金、商业附加保险、年度体检、带薪病假、团队建设活动等) 包三餐、提供校区宿舍 提供出国考察学习机会、专业培训机会 免费享用学校的各种设施(游泳馆、健身馆、图书馆等) 子女入学学费折扣优惠 2、个人职业发展规划: 专业方向:初级教师-中级教师-高级教师-特级教师 教务管理方向: 普通教师-教务员-学科主任-教务主任-副校长-校长 学生管理方向: 学生管理助理-学生管理专员-学生管理主任-学生管理副校长-学生管理校长
oversee all aspects of laboratory practical lessons to create a teaching environment which conforms to Western and Chinese laboratory safety rules; set up experimental equipment according to lesson plans provided by the science department teachers; work with science teachers to establish how they can support their lessons; helping students to understand the correct usage of scientific equipment with respect to health and safety and personal protective equipment (PPE); to identify and research resources and equipment required for teaching; setup, organize, maintain, and troubleshoot lab equipment; order needed equipment, materials and consumables; organize and ensure all records and accounting for the lab is correct; Ensure proper lab protocols and standard operation procedures (SOPs) are established and enforced, such as biosafety and biosecurity for P2 labs and proper use of chemicals and equipment; Conduct or assist in conducting experiments in the laboratory, including preparation of reagents, interpretation of data and analysis of results; Test and maintain safety equipment on a regular basis, oversee the maintenance of Materials Safety Data Sheets’ (MSDS) record and SOPs. Ensures that all safety procedures are consistently met; Ensure safe and appropriate storage of reagents and chemicals according to MSDS and COOSH guidelines; To discuss matters to policy and procedures and to attend regular meetings; Participate in and lead CPD activities; Contribute to and attend whole school community events throughout the year; To ensure the secondary school remains tidy and presentable; To complete any other reasonable duty as requested by the Principal.