Primary Homeroom Teacher 20-40K/月
海口-琼山区    本科及以上    3年以上    全职6人
青年教师 线下班课
04-30 更新
提供住宿 解决子女就学 晋升空间大 周末双休
    教师公寓 提供满足家庭及个人的员工公寓 餐食津贴 学校为员工提供满足一天的餐食津贴,口味丰富,提供中西餐、清真餐、素食餐 健康体检 每学年提供一次体检 假期福利 教师享受校历规定的寒暑假及带薪病事假 培训发展 享受培训及学习交流机会 其他福利 节⽇福利、⽣⽇贺卡、结婚礼⾦、⽣育礼金及免费享受学校健身房、游泳池、篮球馆等各类设施 安家落户 符合条件的教师可落户成为海⼝市⺠(50周岁以下普通全日制本科或大专学历或中级职称或中级以上专业技能证书);60周岁以下博士、硕士(全日制)学历毕业生、985或211高校毕业的本科学历、高级职称或高级技师职业资格人员 子女就学 教师子女享受第一个子女学费免费,如子女随迁到海口,需在海南参加高考,随迁子女必须在上初三前到海南参加中考(即上初三前户籍在海南),高中三年学籍在海南,具体以当年政策及政府批准为准 政策优势 中国政府于2020年印发《海南自由贸易港建设总体方案》,计划于2035年前将海南岛建设成世界最大的自由贸易港。在海南自由贸易港工作且符合条件的个人可享受自贸港税收政策,需满足一个纳税年度内在海南自由贸易港累计居住满183天,属于海南省各级人才管理部门所认定的人才或一个纳税年度内在海南自由贸易港收入达到30万元人民币以上(海南省根据经济社会发展状况实施动态调整),其个人所得税实际税负超过15%的部分,予以免征。(具体以当年政策及政府批准为准)
Requirements: 1.Bachelor of Education or a bachelor’s degree in a related subject with PGCE or other teacher qualification. 2.Minimum of 2 years’ experience as a Primary Teacher. 3.Experience of a PYP Curriculum would be advantageous 4.Previous experience working with students whom English is not their first language 5.Passion for teaching and commitment to educating the whole child 6.A high level of professionalism and consideration of the well-being of children 7.Recent and consistent involvement in extra-curricular activities 8.A positive and solution-focused attitude to working life 9.A clean enhanced Disclosure and Barring Services check or police check Warmth, empathy, credibility, self-belief, integrity, drive and child centered. Responsibilities: 1.Planning for outstanding teaching and learning, in line with the schools Teaching and Learning Policy, through: 2.Creating a climate for learning that is conducive for outstanding practice. 3.Identifying clear teaching and learning objectives. 4.Setting clear targets, building on prior attainment. 5.Identifying SEN (POD), EAL and G&T students and ensuring that their needs are met through differentiation. 6.Providing clear structure and planning for lessons and learning activities that maintain pace, challenge and engagement. 7.Making effective use of assessment for learning. 8.Making effective use of performance data and key indicators to inform planning and therefore deliver differentiated lessons. 9.Making effective use of ICT to enhance learning and progress. 10.Maintaining discipline in accordance with the school’s ‘Behaviour for Learning Policy’ and encouraging good practice with regard to punctuality, behaviour, standards of work and homework. 11.Assess how well learning objectives have been achieved and use them to improve specific aspects of teaching and learning. 12.Mark students work frequently, and set targets for progress, in accordance with the school’s Marking Policy. 13.Assess and record students' progress systematically and keep records; using performance data to inform planning, student learning and progress. 14.Undertake assessment of students as requested by examination bodies, department and school procedures 15.Prepare and present informative reports to parents inline with an annual reporting cycle. 16.Take student attendance punctually at required times through the day and report any concerns immediately. 17.Attend and support parent/student events. 18.Support marketing and enrolment of students through attending planned events. 19.Be a positive advocate for the school in the way you conduct yourself and speak about the school publicly. 20.Take part in subject development by producing, reviewing and updating curriculum plans and schemes of work 20.Keep subject knowledge up to date through CPD and professional reading 22.Cover for absent colleagues. 23.Any other duties as assigned by the Principal.